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Behind The Scenes with Carology News

Everyone knows that the editing suite is truly where the magic happens, and for us its always been important to make sure we get across everything that we originally intended through each cut and alteration we make. George took on the role of lead editor during this process with Alex being assistant editor for the main piece and me and Andrew overseeing things and providing feedback on specific decisions that would come to pass during this time. Today we managed to finish up the rough cut that George and Alex had been working on earlier in the week in time to present to Helen in our official rough cut meeting at 14:20. During the meeting we had a pleasant chat regarding the state of our package, which Helen thoroughly enjoyed. She was impressed with our b-roll quality as well as the in-studio pieces that we had accomplished using the greenscreen. George also went out of his way to create the graphics for the project which were designed in order to coincide with the blue and white colour branding we have already established through our social media pages.

One of the key concerns that was expressed during our rough cut meeting was that the interview with AJ didn't feel "live" enough, in that there should be more of a reason as to why we're going live specifically to this time, place and personality. I think despite the effort we put into that interview, in retrospective we all understand the criticisms made against it and for that reason we decided to push our luck and switch out the live piece with something else, still related to motoring of course, with the option to include aspects of the AJ interview as in-studio material instead, thus not putting that work to waste.

Unfortunately due to this it means we will likely have to re-record the greenscreen material we did last Friday, however I don't have an issue with this providing we can get the equipment and have the necessary time to do so before our finecut deadline this coming Tuesday. Either way, things are going well in terms of our package and we are trying our best to remain hopefully optimistic moving forward.

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